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Underground, Rasputin roars with outrage. Bartok quickly comes over and warns his master about stress. He then figures that the relequary is broken, and gives it a toss. Rasputin must Rasputin tells Bartok not to break the Relequary detatch his hand in order to catch it, then makes sure that Bartok will remember to never do that again. While Bartok does a few karate chops, demonstrating how he would hurt Anastasia, Rasputin plans crueler traps. Bartok would kick Anastasia for Rasputin

Anya and her friends continued their journey, stopping once they had crossed the mountians. Vlad runs about in a state of joy, talking about someone named Sophie. Anya asks who this is, and finds out that Sophie is the Vlad talks about Sophie Dowanger Empress Marie's first cousin. They must talk to her before they can talk to Marie. Anya gets mad that she didn't know about this before, and storms off. Vlad talks to her a bit, and Anya decides that she had better Is Sophie a person or a Creampuff? learn how to act like a Grand Duchess before she meets other royalty! Vlad, Dimitri, and even Pooka begin their lessons. They teach her all about how to act around other people and about her own past. Anya isn't dressed to be a Grand Dutchess Anya catches on so fast, she puzzles the others. They eventually board a bus that will take them to a ship headed toward Paris. Anya starts to learn about Anastasia

Aboard the Tasha, Dimitri presents Anya with a blue ruffly dress that is quite a few sizes too big. She spent the afternoon fixing the dress. When she finally emerges on the deck, Vlad exclaims that since Anya Young Anastasia scared the cooks is dressed for a ball, she will learn to dance at one. Anya tries to dance with Dimitri, who is rather bad at it at first. Dimitri struggles to find words, as he's breathtaken by how Anya looks. After a while, Anya floating they come to a stop without noticing. Vlad stares in amazement, as he figures out that Anya and Dimitri are falling in love!

Memorizing the names of the Royalty The group riding bikes
Anya can learn to act like Anastasia Anya and Dimitri waltzing

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