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Vlad and Dimitri hold auditions When Anya reached St. Petersburg, the first thing she does is try to get a ticket to Paris... only to find out she can't go anywhere without a Exit Visa. The woman in the line behind Anya tells her to go see Dimitri in the old palace. Anya remembers elegant parties Anya goes in search of the palace while Dimitri and Vlad are leaving their theater. They have interviewed hundreds of girls, and none of them match up with Anastasia. The two are beginning to lose hope of their brilliant plan.

Dancing to Once Upon a December When Anya gets to the old palace, Pooka runs right through the boarded-up door. Anya pulls on the wood and manages to squeeze through. Once inside the palace, Anya gets a strange feeling that reminds her of a memory of a dream. Anya Anastasia and Czar Nicholas II reaches the ballroom and can see the ghosts of old royalty dancing out of pictures on the walls. She walks down the stairs and dances among them. She then sees herself as a princess, dancing with Czar Nicholas II. Just when she finishes Anya resembles Anastasia her dance, she hears a voice asking what she's doing in the palace. Anya runs to the oposite side of the ballroom when Dimitri and Vlad catch up to her.

Dimitri circles Anya, thinking Dimitri goes to ask again what she is doing, but he does a double take. Anya is standing in front of a giant picture of the royal family, and Anya looks just like the Young Anastasia! Anya goes on to explain that she wants to go to Paris. Anya's one clue to her past is Paris When Dimitri asks about her past, she answers she can't remember much. Dimitri continues to plan. He tells Anya he'd like to help, but the third ticket he has to Paris is for Anastasia. Vlad and Dimitri talk to Anya, delling her how she looks like a Romanov, Anya DOES look like Anastasia... and asks if she ever thought about the possibility that she could be Anastasia. Dimitri and Vlad walk off, wishing her luck and letting her think about it.

Dimitri and Vlad talk to Anya Is is Possible that Anya could be Anastasia... she Does look like her, and Anya can't remember her past. What harm could it do to say she Was Anastasia? Marie would know right away if she wasn't, and it would all just be an honest mistake. Either way, it got Anya to Paris! She calls to Dimitri and Vlad and they agree to make the journey to Paris.

Anya thinks about Anastasia Dimitri times perfectly
Yes! What if Anya IS Anastasia?

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