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Ten years after the Revolution, things are pretty dull in St. Petersburg... thank goodness for gossip! The latest rumor is that Anastasia is actually alive somewhere, Dimitri and Vladimir plan and that the Dowanger Empress Marie, now living in Paris, holds a reward for the person that can return Anastasia to her.

Vlad and Dimitri slide on the roof Dimitri (Yes, that Kitchen Boy all grown up!) and his pal Vladimir start planning ~ If they can find a girl that looks like Anastasia, they'll teach her what to say and pass her off to Marie to win the reward money. All these years, People of St. Petersburg Dancing Dimitri held onto the music box Marie gave Anastasia. So if Dimitri shows Marie the music box, Marie will believe them and they're sure to win! They get a theater to hold auditions and set the plan in motion.

Anya says goodbye to her orphanage friends Meanwhile, in a poor orphanage, a girl named Anya is getting ready to leave after her long stay there. The headmistress, Comrade Phlemingkoff, tells Anya that she had a job waiting for her in the fish factory. Anya tries to decide which way to go Anya mentions how she would much rather go to Paris to try and find her family. Comrade Phlemingkoff tells Anya to take her take her place in life, in line, and to be grateful ~ and slams the gate in Anya's face.

Pooka turns Anya in the right direction Anya wanders down to the crossroads. If she goes left to the Fishing Village, she'll be an orphan forever. But if she goes right, to St. Petersburg, she might have a chance of getting to Paris and meeting her family. Anya recognizes her sign So Anya calls out and asks for a sign of some kind. A tiny puppy then pops out and grabs Anya's scarf, twisting her around and making her fall right onto the road going to St. Petersburg. Anya just then remembers a book from the orphanage Anya Singing about "Pookas", or mischievous little spirits. Since this puppy was her guiding spirit, she decided to name the dog Pooka.

Anya waits for Pooka Anya picks up the little dog and begins her "Journey to the Past". She knows that somewhere in Paris, someone who loved her must be waiting. The little flower she has on her necklace Does say "Together in Paris", Pooka being Cute after all! Anya says that she'll never be complete until she finds her family, and she knows that heading toward St. Petersburg is the best way to start looking!

Anya and Pooka on their Journey to the Past Who knows where this road may go?
Anya gets to St. Petersburg

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