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Anastasia shows off for Marie

The year was 1916, and Czar Nicholas II was holding a ball to celebrate the 300 year of Romonov rule over Russia. The Dowanger Empress Marie arrives with news for a young Anastasia ~ that she will be returning to Paris. But that Marie shows Anastasia the Music Box isn't the only thing she brought! Marie got Anastasia a small Music Box that, when wound with a flower-shaped key that says "Together in Paris", will play their lullaby, "Once Upon a December".

Rasputin arrives The party is going wonderfully until an evil man named Rasputin and his albino bat sidekick, Bartok, arrive. As it turns out, Rasputin sold his soul for a reliquary, which holds the power to destroy the Romanov line. The night he visits the ball, he curses the family and tells them they will all die that very night.

Dimitri helps Marie and Anastasia escape Rasputin then uses the evil powers of the reliquary to spark the Russian Revolution. That night, while Anastasia and Marie are fleeing the palace with the others, Anastasia remembers her music box and goes back for it. Dimitri protects the secret door Dimitri, a young kitchen boy, ushers them out the servant's quarters in order to keep them away from the rebels.

While escaping, Marie and Anastasia are caught on the river by Rasputin. While trying to grab Anastasia, the river ice breaks under Rasputin and he is sucked under in the current. Anastasia and Marie run to catch the departing train, but it is already pulling out. Marie manages to get on, but Anastasia can't keep up or hold on to Marie's hand. Anastasia falls from Marie's grasp, hits her head on the ground, and poor Marie never heard of Anastasia again.

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