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At the coronation, Anya looks out at the people dancing. Marie comes over and tells Anya that she won't find Dimitri there, and eventually tells her that he didn't take the money. Dimitri thinks of Anastasia Now that Marie has found Anastasia, she simply wants her to be happy, and to know they will always have each other. Anya then heard Pooka barking at something and went to investigate.
Meanwhile, Dimitri was about to buy a ticket heading back toward St. Petersburg when he pulled the rose out of his pocket that Anya gave him while shopping and smiled. Anya meets Rasutin

Anastasia was still chasing after Pooka in the courtyard, but every time she turned, it seemed like someone was watching her. Then, the bushes around her sprang to life and tore at her dress. She then came onto a bridge and face to face with Rasputin. The face registered with her, and Rasputin held out his reliquary. A blast of ice minions came at her, and spun her aroud. Bartok then says that Rasputin is on his own and flies away. Now Anya must thank Dimitri Anya said she was not afraid of him, and he tried to knock her off the bridge, crying that no one could save her. Just then, Dimitri arrived and hit Rasputin. Dimitri jumped down tried pulling Anastasia up, saying that she would need to thank him later. Rasputin raised his reliquary, and a large stone pegasus came to life and picked up Dimitri. Anya had now climbed back onto the bridge, but Rasputin was there. After the battle He told her Dasvidanya, and dropped her off the bridge again. Pooka then ran over bit Rasputin. When he looked over the bridge again, Anastasia was gone! But when he looked again, Anya came and knocked him down, and Pooka grabbed the reliquary. It rolled over to Anya, who stepped on it. The pegasus Dimitri had been fighting crumbled and hit him on the head. Anya pushed down further and further on the reliquary until she crushed it. She then ran over to Dimitri while Rasputin was destroyed. Dimitri couldn't go to St. Petersburg

Anya looked down at Dimitri. No... she thought to herself, when suddenly, Dimitri moved! She spun around, accidently hitting Dimitri in the face. Anya tried asking Dimitri about St. Petersburg, but he said that he couldn't go. They leaned closer to one another when Pooka barked, holding the Anastasia's crown. Dimitri sadly took the crown and handed it to Anya, telling her that they were waiting for her.

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